
Friday, July 30, 2010

This Shit is Bananas

In 2007 I took Jon Rubin's cross-cultural video production class at SUNY Purchase College. In teams of two, we established a dialog between students from Monte Rey, Mexico and Furtwagen, Germany using a combination of videos and exquisite corpse excersises.

Read more about exquisite corpse here:

Each group was assigned a word and was to make video interpretations of it. Their international counterparts were to respond. These exchanges brought to light our cultural and emotional differences. In many cases students became defensive as to the direction that their collaborators were taking the project.

Here is a video I made with the clever and talented Michael Borowiec. Our topic was "change" and this was in response to a montage of every corny time lapse you've ever seen on the internet with the song "Great Balls of Fire" in the background. We pulled this out of our asses:

Change from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

We changed partners the second half of the semester. My group was night 2. Here is a link to our video exchanges with the students from Furtwangen, Germany:

For more information on collaborative learning see:

Monday, July 19, 2010

In Celebration of my Sexual Frustration

Here are some scenes from my 2009 senior thesis film, "Married Girl":

Blow-Me-O Auditions

Vagina Clowns