
Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Comic Con Experience

As soon as i walked in... BAM! Stan fucking Lee is right next to me waving at the huge crowd. I was frozen but luckily a friend of mine was able to snap a picture.
After leaving in his invisible spaceship, I turned around and realized the huge crowd was actually a huge line. Costumes were everywhere, fat nerds breathing down my neck right behind me but it was all worth it...

Once inside, there was a world of magic; toys, comics, nerdy people that are into the same shit as I am. It was great.

In all the mix I got my hands on a couple of upcoming video games like Donkey Kong Returns, Golden Eye 007, Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare... but nothing compared to MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3!!! A game I've been waiting to come out for almost 10 years! Although I got my ass handed to me, I can still say I played the game before any of you got to even see the cover art.

All in all, it was a great experience. Awesome people and an awesome atmosphere. If you didn't check out Comic Con 2010, you should definitely put it on your to-do list for next year.

Ultraman Dougie at Comic Con 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Married Girl

Married Girl (Condensed Hot Boy City Version) from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

Producer, Writer, Director, Editor -
Alexandra Lopez

Cinematographer -
Michael Borowiec

Executive Producers -
Alexandra & Rigoberto Lopez Sr.

Associate Producers -
Alan Lapointe
Rigoberto Lopez
Laura O' Reilly

Assistant Director - Alan Lapointe

Sound Recording - Samantha Marine

Additional Sound - Jamie Wright

Lighting - Taylor Williams

Transportation - Rigoberto Lopez
Jamie Wright

Vic - Rigoberto Lopez
Jane - Stacy Rock
Agent Jay - Thomas De Josia
Marcus - Alan Lapointe
Gladis - Myla Pitt
Dick - Richard Scott
Gucci - Elia Monte- Brown
Bartender - Alexandra Lopez
Fionna - Montea Robinson
Cesar - Cesar Victoria
Break dancer - Francisco "Shaman" Diaz

Hype Man - Nathan Rogers-Hancock
Vagina Producer - Sarah Semlear
Vagina Design and Construction - Sam Strezlec
Alexandra Lopez

Jake Meier
Emily Wilson
Olivia Jimenez
Lauren Flores
Samantha Marine
Sarah Semlear
Buddy Pease
Jenn Boronow
Darcie Wilder
Owen Man
Liam McGlynn
Alliah Sophia
Nina Hudson
Mysterious Frat Clown

Featuring music from
"Downtown" by Crosby
"Rock Creek Park" by The Blackbyrds
"Money" by Pink Floyd
"Motel Room" by Vic Ruggiero

Additional Beats by Rastyle

Opening Credits - Laura O' Reilly
Text by Kipton Hinsdale
Additional Tech Assistance - Jake Meier

Pretty Girls Carry Guns 2009

Look at every walk of shame as a new beginning.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

why don't you drink your drink you fucking pussy

So this is one of my all time favorite videos. I shot this my sophomore year at SUNY Purchase and although my technique has improved significantly since then, I think the casting was totally dead on. My professor Larry O' Neil wrote the original screenplay, and my wonderfully talented friends helped me get it done hours before it was due. Enjoy! from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

Friday, July 30, 2010

This Shit is Bananas

In 2007 I took Jon Rubin's cross-cultural video production class at SUNY Purchase College. In teams of two, we established a dialog between students from Monte Rey, Mexico and Furtwagen, Germany using a combination of videos and exquisite corpse excersises.

Read more about exquisite corpse here:

Each group was assigned a word and was to make video interpretations of it. Their international counterparts were to respond. These exchanges brought to light our cultural and emotional differences. In many cases students became defensive as to the direction that their collaborators were taking the project.

Here is a video I made with the clever and talented Michael Borowiec. Our topic was "change" and this was in response to a montage of every corny time lapse you've ever seen on the internet with the song "Great Balls of Fire" in the background. We pulled this out of our asses:

Change from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

We changed partners the second half of the semester. My group was night 2. Here is a link to our video exchanges with the students from Furtwangen, Germany:

For more information on collaborative learning see:

Monday, July 19, 2010

In Celebration of my Sexual Frustration

Here are some scenes from my 2009 senior thesis film, "Married Girl":

Blow-Me-O Auditions

Vagina Clowns

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Candy Rappers

The final Hot 97 battle for Summer Jam took place yesterday on Junction Blvd. Frez ONE entered this battle with a fresh air of confidence and a slew of local supporters. His authentic lyrical content and clever punchlines won the love and respect of eager onlookers.

This time Frez made it all the way to the finals. He was defeated (or ROBBED) by a Waka Flocka looking dude, "JB". As always, whoever has the loudest crew is king, and the Outsiders crew never stood a chance against the screeches of prepubescent little girls.

Fair call? You decide.

Here's some footage of how it all went down:

Frez ONE Hot 97 Freestyle Battle, Junction Blvd from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

Camera work by Rigoberto Lopez.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Miss Colombia Project

When I was a sophomore in film school I interviewed a local Jackson Heights celebrity known as "Miss Colombia." I had often come across Miss Colombia on my way home from school or the movies as a kid. Her inappropriate humor and bold costumes left a permanent impression on me growing up. Kind of like Lady Gaga, in a creepy uncle sort of way. Upon my re-cut of this footage, I am evermore inspired by her vitality and courage.

La Vida Loca aka "The Miss Colombia Project" from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Edward 40oz Hands at the Crack Den

I just cut together some home movie / behind the scenes Edward 40oz Hands footage that was shot at the crack den during my sophomore year at SUNY Purchase <3

Check it out:

Edward 40oz Hands at The Crack Den from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

And in case you haven't seen them, here are the original Edward 40oz Hands movies:

Edward 40oz Hands from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

The Return of Edward 40oz Hands from alexandra lopez on Vimeo.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Freeport Rap Wars

I went to support my boy FrezONE at the Boost Mobile Hot 97 Freestyle battle in Freeport, LI today.

He made it to the semi finals and was later annihilated by some Loon looking mother fucker spitting writtens.

Anyway, sometimes skill level has little to do with your success in ghetto rap battles. Here are some tips on how you too can hold your own despite your flow.

How To Win A Freestyle Battle (Despite Your Skill Level):
  • Be Louder Than Your Opponent - This tricks the audience into believing you have authority and are therefore more talented.
  • Look Like You're About To Cry - There's nothing sadder than a grown ass man crying in public. Now we weren't sure if his girl dumped him earlier in the day or if dude was just mad blunted, but dough boy made it through to the last round on pity cheers alone.
  • Roll Through With A Crew of Drunk Mother Fuckers - Never underestimate the power of testosterone fueled limelight mongers. The more pussy starved the better.

We'll be seeing you at the Junction Blvd location on May 29; drunk and horny.

Cellular Phone Camera work by Rigo Lopez.